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About Us

About Red Thread Digital

We want consumers to open your email on any given afternoon and say to themselves, "This brand just gets me!".

Yeah, we know, it’s a strange desire to have. But we also know the power of email and SMS (texts) to build long-term relationships with customers, and so, these tools have become our obsession.


It’s a chaotic noisy world out there...

...and your emails (and now SMS) can either add to it or be the solace customers look forward to.

The key is delivering the right message at the right time to the right customers. Sounds simple enough, but that’s a lot of “rights” to get right. 

So we pulled together a team of people with this shared obsession that don’t mind rolling up their sleeves, jumping into the trenches with any size marketing team and getting to work building email and SMS programs that deliver sustained outsized returns.

Automation Is King

Imagine having an email program where messages are automated based on specific pages that a customer visits; the types of products that they purchase; the frequency at which they are opening your emails. Your email program works best when it is fluid and reacts to each segment of customers, their preferences, who they are as an individual and how that individual engages with your product and service.

This can be a lot for a company to take on or even know where to start. For us, it is quite literally what we do all day, every day.



Our Name


How We Got Here



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Free Tools We Love

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